
Laurie’s Volunteering Story

In 2021, Laurie applied to volunteer with Aberlour while completing her degree in Psychology.


“I wanted to sign up for volunteering because I felt it was really important to give back some of my time to those who need it most. I wanted to help those who are less fortunate than I am. The work of Aberlour is life changing and I really wanted to be part of that.”


Laurie was matched as a Volunteer Befriender for a young boy and supported him to take part in fun activities in his local area.


“There are many aspects of volunteering that I enjoy, but the thing I enjoy the most is seeing the joy and happiness in the people I help. Just knowing that I am helping someone is so rewarding and special. Volunteering also makes me feel very special. I love the idea that I am helping others to make their lives just that little bit better.”


Volunteering has been an opportunity for Laurie to develop skills in a new setting which she can use beyond her studies at university.


“I have gained a lot of new skills since starting volunteering. I have learnt how to solve problems in high pressure situations. It has allowed me to develop my creativity skills, when planning new things to do with the young people I help. I have also gained experience in coordinating with others and working alongside people from all different backgrounds.”


“Volunteering is the perfect way to gain experience and skills that with help you for the rest of your life. You will work alongside so many people, coordinating different plans, and making sure everyone is on the right page. These are all things that will be crucial for starting a new job, or just getting by after university.”


Laurie feels there’s lots to be gained from volunteering as a student, and would encourage others to do the same.


“Do it, do it, do it! It is not only a good thing for your CV but you will form so many new friendships, and make memories that you will remember for ever. The fact that just giving up one afternoon a week is helping a vulnerable individual so much is so rewarding. You will gain so much valuable experience and it is so worth giving up just a little bit of your time to volunteer.”