

Aberlour Gender Pay Gap Report 2021

The gender pay gap in an organisation is the difference in pay levels between male and female employees, irrespective of the position held. We remain confident that men and women are paid fairly and equally for the same or similar roles as supported by our job evaluation system.

The median pay gap shows that the mid-pay point of our female staff (£12.71 per hour) sits above that of our male staff (£12.49 per hour).

Our mean pay gap has decreased by 1.78% over the last year closing the gap between the average hourly rate for male and female staff in Aberlour to 5.5%. This remains well below the UK average of 15.5%.

Access our full Gender Pay Gap Report for 2021 below.


Business women meeting Aberlour

Being Brave – Aberlour Strategy 2021-2025

We know that not all children are born with an equal chance. We know that support often comes too late and in response to crisis. And we know that this has a negative impact on children already facing disadvantage because of poverty and discrimination.


Aberlour’s new strategy is about Being Brave for Children, Young People and Families. To read the full strategy please click here

Mum playing with a baby aberlour

Aberlour news spring 2021

Welcome to the Spring edition of Aberlour news! In this jam-packed edition read all out our 2021 Scottish election manifesto and how, thanks to your support, we have been able to continue to support vulnerable children and their families across Scotland.

Girl playing on play park swing

Aberlour response to consultation on the revised national guidance for child protection

At Aberlour we work with families to provide help and support to mitigate the most challenging circumstances for families, to prevent difficulties developing into crises that otherwise can often lead to risk of harm to the wellbeing and welfare of children. We believe that through working with families at the earliest opportunity we can best protect children from being exposed to the risk of neglect or abuse. Therefore, we welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation on the revised national guidance for child protection.

Young girl with finger paints

Aberlour Gender Pay Gap Report 2020

Our workforce is predominantly female. Women make up 82% of our staff (this remains consistent with last year’s figures).

We remain confident that men and women are paid fairly and equally for the same or similar roles as supported by our job evaluation system. Read our latest Gender Pay Gap Report below.

Business women meeting Aberlour

Cash Now Families Always Manifesto

In recent research by Prof. Morag Treanor from The Herriot-Watt University, we were alerted that child poverty is on the rise. Before Covid-19 around 1 in 4 children in Scotland were living in poverty. As a result of the pandemic, many more families risk falling or being pushed deeper, into poverty. Increasing numbers of families across Scotland are struggling to make ends meet as child poverty rises.

At our annual panel event on 26 November, we’ve concluded that we need to take urgent action. That’s why we have prepared a manifesto with demands for all political parties which we will share before the upcoming Scottish Elections in May 2021.

Read the full manifesto below to find out more.

Cash Now Families Always Manifesto

Aberlour Annual Accounts March 2020

Find out below our Annual Report and Financial Statements until 31 March 2020.

School children playing outdoor PE

Aberlour, Child Poverty Action Group & One Parent Families Scotland Joint Briefing Paper The Scottish Welfare Fund

The additional £45 million investment in the Scottish Welfare Fund (SWF) in response to Covid-19 was widely welcomed and much needed. However, during the pandemic charities and anti-poverty organisations have become concerned about issues and challenges many families across Scotland are experiencing accessing SWF. Since lockdown, organisations such as Aberlour and One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) have seen an increase in need for financial support and a corresponding rise in applications to their own hardship funds.

Aberlour News Autumn 2020

Welcome to the Autumn edition of Aberlour News! Read how your support and donations are helping us make a change in so many communities across Scotland.

Boy smiling facing off camera

Aberlour Annual Review 2019-20

A year of changing young lives… Read below how you and Aberlour made a difference to children, young people and families in Scotland in our Annual Review 2019-20.

Children playing with plastic pins

Aberlour Annual Accounts March 2019

Scottish fostering family outside sitting on blanket

aberlour news spring 2020

Welcome to the Spring edition of Aberlour News! Read how your support and donations are helping us make a change in so many communities across Scotland.

Strawberry blonde girl smiling

Gender Pay Gap report 2019

The gender pay gap in an organisation is the difference in pay levels between male and female employees, irrespective of the position held.

Read Aberlour’s Gender Pay Gap Report 2019.

Mother and child playing on the floor

Duty of Candour 2019-20 report

All health and social care services in Scotland now have a ‘duty of candour’. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong and mistakes happen, the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology and that organisations learn how to improve for the future.

Between 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020, no incidents occurred within Aberlour.

Vulnerable girl talking with woman

aberlour news autumn 2019

Welcome to the Autumn edition of Aberlour News! This is another packed edition including lots of information on our new fundraising campaign, a bad start to life shouldn’t mean a bad end, as well as stories on how your continued support helps children and families across Scotland. Thank you!

Aberlour’s response to the consultation Children’s Rights: Incorporating the UNCRC into our domestic law in Scotland

Aberlour has children’s rights at the heart of the work we do every day with children, young people and families, we are committed to supporting, promoting and protecting children’s rights. Therefore, we welcome the commitment by the Scottish Government to incorporating the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child into Scots law.

Aberlour News Spring 2019

Welcome to the Spring edition of Aberlour News! This edition is jam-packed with stories of how your support is enabling Aberlour to intervene early for more children, providing the help children need before more damage is done. Thank you!

Prevention or Crisis Response? Reflections on the 1968 Act

Together with PAS we produced this research paper Prevention or Crisis Response? looking at how financial assistance or additional support is provided by statutory services in addressing financial hardship and supporting families living in poverty.