
Catelyn’s Story

Meet Catelyn, she and her husband have been foster carers with Aberlour and have fostered 3 children. Catelyn shares why she became a foster carer and why others should too.

Something you didn’t know you needed

Becoming a foster carer was not something I planned, it just happened. I was doing a favour to my brother and sister-in-law who were fostering and needed someone to take care of their children while they were on holiday. Their holiday was over, and they took their children back, but I never wanted my foster caring journey to end… That is when I decided to become a full-time foster carer. I did some research and asked a friend who was also fostering, and she recommended me to choose Aberlour because they provide the best training and support. And she was right!

“Supportive, Warm, Welcoming, Friendly”

To sum up my experience with Aberlour in a few words, I would say they are supportive, warm, welcoming, and friendly. Within 30 minutes of phoning the team your contact person will be in your house, helping you. That makes all the difference, you can speak to them like they are your friends, and with time they become a part of your family.

During lockdown, I had lots of phone calls asking me if I need help with anything, and if we needed blackout window coverings so Jake* can sleep better at night. All these little things make you feel like you are in good hands:

“it is an absolute pleasure working with such a friendly, caring, supportive team and they’re all very much appreciated.” – Catelyn

The little things in life…

The children that I have fostered all came from quite neglected families. They had no experience with things most people would expect for a child to know – simple things like going on a holiday, or even to a restaurant for dinner, they have never done! So, it is really interesting and fun to rediscover those experiences and appreciate the little things in life that we take for granted.

Fostering is really rewarding; we still keep in touch with all the children I have fostered. They are like an extended family and we are so proud of all of them, the adoption parents are very nice too.

Anyone can be a foster carer

I would encourage anyone thinking of becoming a foster carer. I really enjoy it because it enabled me to have a full-time job and be home when my children were growing up. I am also my own boss, and that is amazing. A lot of people think fostering is not for the average person, whereas all you need is a kind heart, a sense of humour and a spare bedroom. Aberlour will take care of the training and arrange everything else for you.