

Sophie’s Befriender Story

Sophie, a 19 year old student, started volunteering in November 2017. She came across Aberlour through an online search for voluntary opportunities in her local area, hoping to develop her skills and experience to accompany her university studies: “I wanted to volunteer in order to gain greater experience of working with individuals with disabilities, increase … Continued

Sophie, Aberlour Volunteer Befriender

Claire’s Volunteering Story

Claire began her volunteering experience with Aberlour over ten years ago. “At the time I was working within Youth Clubs with groups. I was looking to get some experience working one to one with young people, and I thought Aberlour was a good organisation. I felt that the work they did was very important, and … Continued

Claire - Aberlour volunteer

Angela’s Volunteering Story

I had already volunteered with Aberlour in the past and when I saw the advert for perinatal befriendingI knew this was something I wanted to do because I recognised this was a service that I myself would have benefited from 20 years ago. My volunteering Story When I became pregnant for the third time I … Continued

Angela - Aberlour volunteer

Samantha’s Story

15-year-old Samantha lives in one of our Aberlour Sycamore houses in Fife. She has been supported by Caitlyn since she moved into the house over a year ago. Samantha tells her story, explains how Caitlyn supports her and why she nominated Caitlyn for Residential Superstar of the Year at the Scottish Institute for Residential Child … Continued

Jakki’s Volunteering Story

Jakki applied to volunteer at the end of 2018. Although working full time, Jakki felt that she had some spare time on her hands since her children were now older. Jakki had been looking for a voluntary opportunity when she saw a post on social media. My Volunteering Story “I hadn’t heard of Aberlour before. … Continued

Jakki Aberlour Volunteer

Lyndon’s Volunteer Story

Lyndon is a Residential Worker within Aberlour’s Highland Sycamore services. In September 2017, Lyndon applied to volunteer with Aberlour after seeing an advert online. With previous experience of working with children in a residential setting, Lyndon was looking for the right opportunity to use his skills again. My Volunteering Story “I hadn’t heard of Aberlour. … Continued

Liah’s Volunteer Story

Liah volunteers as a Mentor with Aberlour Youthpoint – Moray, a service designed to support children and young people facing challenges and struggles in life. My volunteering Story “I found out about the mentoring role through Skills Development Scotland. I was looking to get some experience in supporting young people for my future career prospects, … Continued


Kerrie’s Story

Kerrie has been working with the Aberlour Family Support Service in Glasgow since she left her abusive partner. Find out from her how the team are helping her to feel safe and be confident moving into the future. my story About 1 year ago my health visitor introduced me to Aberlour as I was just … Continued

Faye’s Story

Bubbly Faye is 19 years old, she is non-verbal and has a learning disability. She lives at home with Mum, Susan, Dad, John, and her three older siblings. Faye’s Story “Faye was born on the day of the eclipse in August 1999, it was a special day all round for us.” Dad, John, goes on … Continued

Faye, Aberlour Options Adventures

Lucy’s Story

Sociable and bubbly Lucy is 14 years old, she has downs syndrome and lives at home with Mum, Nicola, and Dad, Steven. Nicola explains the support her daughter requires: “Lucy needs help with being reminded to go to the toilet, with personal care and with her medication. She needs someone to be there as she … Continued

Lucy, Aberlour Options Adventures

Rhonda and Gordon’s Story

Entering the world of fostering can be a whirlwind of excitement and apprehension. Taking the step to foster a child with a disability can be an even larger learning curve – but completely worth the adventure. our fostering story Gordon and Rhonda decided to take a route into foster care after Gordon was made redundant. … Continued

Rhonda and Gordon, Foster Carers

Alison’s Fostering Story

Meet Thomas and Alison, they have been foster carers with Aberlour for 12 years. Alison shares their story of why they become foster carers and why others should too.   Our Fostering Story No Child Should Stay In A Residential Unit   I can vividly remember when I decided I wanted to become a foster … Continued

Thomas and Alison Anderson having fun

Natalie’s Story

Natalie was first introduced to Aberlour when she was 7 years old, she was unable to stay with her family anymore and she moved to one of our Aberlour Sycamore houses. There she met her mum and dad who fostered her when she was 16 years old. Find out from Natalie about how her mum … Continued

Caitlin’s Story

Perinatal mental ill health affects almost one in three mothers and one in ten fathers, and is one of the leading causes of death for mothers during pregnancy and the year after birth. Caitlin shares her experience and explains how Aberlour’s Perinatal Befriending Support Service has helped to save her life. My Story Throughout my … Continued

Chelsea’s Story

23 year old Chelsea has been supported by the Aberlour Family Support Service – Glasgow team since she was in school. Find out from her how Johnny and her support workers have helped her to be proud of her life. My Story “I didn’t have the best upbringing. I lived with my Nana and Grandad … Continued


Katie’s Story

Aberlour Sustain services aim to keep families together where possible and appropriate, preventing children being placed unnecessarily into care. We listen to families and respond to what they need, when they need it. Families have told us they feel Aberlour is on their side, not on their back. Early help vital in keeping families together … Continued

Katie & Chelsea_Aberlour Sustaian

Lynda’s Fostering Story

Meet Lynda. She and her husband Joe have been foster parents to Dylan*, their “loveable rogue” for three years now with Aberlour. Here Lynda describes the highs and lows of the incredible journey of fostering, urging others to do the same to meet a real need.   “We wanted to help… what better way than … Continued

Lynda - Aberlour Fostering

Martha’s Story

Martha is a 21 year old student who works part-time and who was looking to boost her experience by volunteering with children. She began her befriending role with  Aberlour Outreach – Dundee at the end of 2016: “I was looking for a different experience and the befriending role really appealed to me. It felt a … Continued