

Lee’s Story

Lee’s Background Lee has autism and a mild learning disability. He has been receiving support from Aberlour Options Dundee since October 2012. This support has focused on a variety of things including social skills and self-confidence. As part of this support, Lee was given the opportunity to attended the first Aberlour Youth conference in 2016. … Continued

Kat’s Story

“Before I got pregnant, I had a carefree life. I was 35 and married to my husband for nine years, though we’d been together for 18.  My husband works on the oil rigs. He’s away two weeks at a time. Before I had my daughter I would party for the whole 2 weeks while he … Continued

Claire’s Story

“Before I got pregnant, I was an IT professional with a stressful job. I had always suffered from depression, due to things that had happened in my childhood. I had a nervous breakdown and gave up work. As I started to get better, my partner and I made the decision to have a child. I … Continued

Kasha’s Story

“My name is Kasha, I’m 19 and I live in Ribbons. “Ribbons is the name of my flat, which is joined on to Aberlour Options – Moray. “I am in care. I got taken away from my mum when I was little, because she couldn’t look after me. I’ve moved around my whole life, but … Continued

Amy’s Story

The Aberlour Futures – Dumfries and Galloway service was contacted by Amy’s Pupil Support teacher from Stranraer Academy in September 2016. The service supports young people aged 11–18, who are experiencing social, emotional or behavioural difficulties which impact on their education.  The service operates from bases in Dumfries, Annan and Stranraer.   Amy’s Background Amy … Continued

Russell’s Story

Russell was taken into foster care at 11 years old because his family were struggling to look after him. He has complex additional support needs.  He was placed with two foster families, but the placements broke down as he struggled to be away from his family home. Russell then came to Aberlour Options – Ayrshire … Continued

Lynne’s Story

Aberlour Family Outreach Dundee helps parents and children who are struggling to cope as a result of drug and alcohol use in the family. We worked with a young mum who became a secret heroin addict, aged 30. Lynne* began taking drugs to cope when her two children’s disruptive behaviour started causing problems at school. … Continued

Louise’s Story

Louise experienced depression and anxiety after the birth of her first child and while she was pregnant with her second. She was helped by Aberlour’s Perinatal Support Service.   “Before I had my two children I was working and enjoying life. My childhood had been difficult but I’m a positive person and was getting on … Continued

Mia’s Story

Mia, age 30, was referred to Aberlour Family Support Centre – Langlees, which helps families by building confidence in parents and offering lots of fun for little ones, by her health visitor when she was pregnant with her first child. The centre offers Early Learning and Child Care sessions for children aged 18 months to … Continued

Alana’s story

“I went through a lot as a child. From when I was 6 until I was 9, I was taking care of my mum. Then my dad left in quite a brutal way. None of my school peers could understand what I was going through. I was a young carer. I had to wash my … Continued

Charlene’s story

I remember the day that I left my mum’s. I was at my nursery and social work came in and said we were going away. I went into foster care. Then when I was 12, I came to live in Sycamore. I was shy. I just did my own thing. But once I got to … Continued

Kate’s story

I ended up going to Aberlour Youthpoint – Moray, when I was 13. I was having problems at school. I was being bullied and I had a really big drinking problem. I had behavioural problems you could say. I was like a firecracker. I physically could not speak to anyone unless I had a drink … Continued

Anna’s Story

“When my daughter Anna was diagnosed with autism, I was heartbroken. Life is tough enough without adding extra challenges. She started coming to Aberlour Options in January 2014. When she’s not having her respite break, a normal day for us is chaos. “Anna demands so much of my attention. She has to be kept on … Continued