
Tracey’s story

Four years’ ago Brandon and Scott were taken into care. The boys always said they wanted to live with their mum again if they could. With the support of Aberlour Brandon and Scott were finally able to come back home. Tracey shares her story.


“I was first introduced to Ally and Chris from Aberlour to help my son’s, Brandon (16) and Scott (14), to return to family life after almost four years in foster care.

“It took quite a bit for Scott to finally settle in at home. The boys were young when they were taken, and Scott was moved around a lot.

“Aberlour has been amazing helping us get back into a routine, making sure the boys are coping at school and providing positive role models in their lives. The boys don’t get to see their dad very often as he lives in England, so it is important for them to have people to look up too.

“Ally and Chris have helped with Scott’s behaviour. He has ADHD with developmental delay. They helped us manage his behaviour and set boundaries which I wrote on a chalkboard so we could all see them.

“Scott is now much calmer and is doing well at school. Ally and Chris also take him out on bike rides and play football with him, giving them time to chat about anything he’s worried about.

“Ally has also been supporting me. Now Brandon is 16 he’s classed as an adult and should have his own room. This means we need a bigger house. Ally has been helping me to understand the council house bidding system.

“As a family we wouldn’t have received this help anywhere else. I know Aberlour will always be there for us if we need them; they’re just at the end of phone.

“I’m really looking forward to the future. I’m hopeful we get our house move and have a fresh start just the three of us.”

Watch Tracey, Brandon and Scott share their story.