

SallyAnn Kelly

Chief Executive, Senior Leadership Team

SallyAnn has over 30 years of experience working in Children’s Services, having qualified as a soc...more

David Robb

Board of Directors

Chair David joined the Aberlour Board in December 2019. His first experience as a charity trustee wa...more

David Alexander Elder

Board of Directors

David joined Aberlour’s Board of Governors in October 2009, and sits on the Finance Committee. Bor...more

Tim Armstrong

Board of Directors

Tim joined Aberlour’s Board of Directors in September 2017 and sits on the Improvement Audit and R...more

David Grant

Senior Leadership Team


Michelle Armstrong

Board of Directors

Michelle is Executive Director of Playlist for Life and has extensive experience within Fundraising,...more

Jozanne Bainbridge

Board of Directors

Jozanne is a lawyer with Scottish law firm MacRoberts and works across the private, public, and thir...more

Gavin Falconer

Board of Directors

Gavin is a chartered surveyor and joined Aberlour’s Board of Directors in 2020. Since 2018 he has ...more

Jennifer Robertson

Board of Directors

Jennifer Robertson has worked in a broad range of technical, management and professional roles. In h...more

Neil Byers

Board of Directors

Neil is a digital strategist and product manager and joined Aberlour’s board of directors in Decem...more

Ros Dowey

Senior Leadership Team

Ros joined Aberlour in 2015 and is their Director of IT and Digital.  Prior to that she worked in t...more

Andrew Black

Board of Directors

Andrew is a Chartered wealth manager and joined Aberlour’s board of directors in 2018 specifically...more

Ross Mathison

Board of Directors

Ross joined Aberlour’s Board of Directors in January 2018 and sits on both the Finance and Investm...more

Pippa Johnston

Senior Leadership Team

Pippa joined Aberlour in August 2016, after more than 16 years in the voluntary sector working at CE...more

Robert Lindsay

Board of Directors

Robert is a Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry who has been providing some services to Ab...more

Andrew McFarlane

Board of Directors

Andrew joined the Board of Aberlour in 2013, and sits on both the Nomination and Succession Committe...more

Jane Morgan

Board of Directors

Jane worked for much of her career developing and implementing public policy for the Scottish Govern...more

Tony Sinclair

Board of Directors

Tony Sinclair BAcc CA joined the Board of Aberlour in February 2015 and chairs the Finance Committee...more